“It was a hot, sultry day in Makiungu Hospital when I first met Poul Bertelsen. I had just left the Hospital Administration where I had been worrying over the condition of the Hospital. The walls were beginning to crumble in the buildings as they made of mud brick! I had been trying to find ways to replace the bricks, but our sponsor had laid down that we must first get an architect.

As I approached our house I saw a bearded man in a short-base Land Rover pull to a stop. He waited for me and held out his hand: “I am Poul Bertelsen. I have been in touch with you before when you were looking for an architect, but I could not do the work at the time. If you have not found one since then, I am now free to do some work for you.” I introduced myself and said, “God sent you.” Somehow Msaada was born there and then. I will never forget that day.”

Excerpt from “Design & Dignity” by Poul Bertelsen describing his first encounter with Sr. Margaret O’Conor (Medical Missionaries of Mary)

At the completion of six years of service as a Missionary / Architect for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (E.L.C.T.), Poul Bertelsen was being called to remain in service to the Developing World. The note above from Sr. Margaret is a testimony to the ways that God had directed the development and service of Msaada. Affectionately known as the “mother of Msaada”, Sr. Margaret was the spark that ignited the mission. From that God-led encounter, prayer, encouragement and financial backing of fellow missionaries, a non-profit named Msaada was born in 1980 with Poul Bertelsen as Executive Director.

From those humble beginnings, Msaada has continued to serve around the world and for multiple denominations as a partner in World Development. From an initial office in Tanzania, Msaada grew to offices in Kenya, Madagascar, India and today, Haiti. Wherein, Msaada was initially an organization of Western trained architects and engineers, services are now primarily provided by local architects and engineers who share in the Msaada philosophy of sustainability, stewardship and service.

Poul bertelsen


Interested in learning more about Msaada? Please read “Design & Dignity! The Birth and Development of Msaada Architects” by Poul Bertelsen.